Happy New Year! These words roll around once every 365 days and with them comes the feeling of something new on the horizon. What will the new year hold? As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed today, I find it full of new year's resolutions - things that people will try to "do better" this year. A "do-over" if you will. The thought process is good - "here is where I see the need to change or doing something better in my life, so I resolve to change it this year." Nothing wrong with that.
I to have made made a new year's resolution over the years, and probably not kept any of them for more than a couple months. I guess maybe there are some people in the world that have actually had the discipline to keep their resolution, I just am not one of them. It is a fatal flaw I suppose. So, as I welcome 2010, I ask myself will I once again make new year's resolutions and this morning I feel like the Lord gave me a bit of clarity on the matter. In stead of make a resolution to "read the bible in a year" or "exercise 3 times per week" or some other all to familiar resolve, I feel called to make daily resolutions. What does that look like? I'm glad you asked! Read on...
As I was once again starting my journey to read through the bible (this time chronologically), I felt the Lord gently remind me that I am not promised a whole year and I need to be making the daily resolution to follow the plan He has laid out for me each and every day for as long as He sees fit to give me breath. I need to go to Him each and every morning and ask what His plans are for me this day, and then do my best to resolve to follow that plan.
I actually am very excited about this new way of thinking because WHEN i fail (which I will do because I am human), I don't have to wait till the dawn of 2011 to get another "do-over." I will have one the very next day.
So - Here's to 2010 and 365 "do-overs." May you take full advantage of each and every one to make Jesus' name famous in the world He has given you to have influence in. And if you think you have no influence in your world, that is the place you should begin today. Ask Him where He wants you to work for Him today.
Happy New Day!!! Now go do it!
Lamentations 3:22-26
Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish,for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! I say: The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good to wait quietly for deliverance from the Lord.
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago
You and I came to the same conclusion without talking about it! I too resolve to let "my" plans go and take it to God every morning and see what HE plans for me! Now, there are two things I KNOW God has been asking me to do everyday for over 2 years. They are on my daily list now. Instead of making them BIG projects they are now daily ones WITH the addition of accountability. So, what are those 2 things? Walk for 20 minutes at a minimum and spend 20 minutes everyday sorting and "dealing" with the paper in my life. I'm a "piles" kind of girl and it's become quite a hindrance. I keep setting unrealistic goals with only myself to oversee them. Now, 20 minutes a day I can do! I have to text my accountability person everyday after I've exercised and papercised. If I don't text, she calls. No excuses. Who I've chosen to hold me accountable is important too. She already does these two things everyday herself and has for years. Just one day at a time. Simple, but not so easy for me to maintain without help. Left to myself, I slip back into old patterns so quickly. Oh...and can't wait for House, Lie to Me and Flashforward new episodes :) Love your blog! Keep writing.
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