So, being the curious one that I am, I have always been intrigued by the passage in Exodus 3&4 where God and Moses are having a little chat (via burning bush) and God tells Moses to take off his sandals because he is standing on holy ground. I am not sure I would still be standing after being addressed by a burning bush, but if I was, I would certainly obey!
I haven't done a whole bunch of research on this request, but what I do know is that some scholars believe in ancient times, people used to take off their shoes as a sign of reverence, so as not to bring in the "yuck" from the outside world into a sacred space. Some also think it was a sign of submission since many slaves did not wear shoes. What ever the reason, Moses obeyed - knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was in the presence of the living God. He was looking upon holiness and he did not measure up.
So God and Moses have this conversation. God let's Moses know that He has heard the cried of the Israelites, enslaved by the Egyptians and He is ready to make a move. Just one problem, God was asking Moses to do something he felt totally unqualified for - to go before the Pharaoh of Egypt and ask for the release of his people. (You really should read the whole thing - it is great! Exodus 3 & 4)
I am keenly aware of what Moses must have been feeling during this encounter. Every time I stop long enough to put God in His rightful place in my life and myself in mine, I am aware how much I don't measure up. When I lead worship in more "relaxed" settings, I prefer to do so without shoes to remind myself whose presence I am entering. And, like Moses, I am awed by the fact that the Creator of the Universe has chosen me and set me apart for a special purpose, one that I am most certainly unqualified for on my own. Thankfully, He promises to be with me so I don't have to do it in my own power because I would surely fail!
What makes me sad, is that it seems that most people have no real sense of God's holiness or how honored they should be to be able to have a relationship with Him. They check off church on Sunday mornings like something on a To Do List. They come to worship unprepared to be in the presence of the Lord and not expecting much from their time with Him.
Someday, I will ask Moses about his experience with that bush, but until then I am sure of one thing, he would say that he left that place a changed man. How can anyone be in the presence of the Holy God and not be different from when they entered it?
So as you prepare for checking off church tomorrow, think about this - the Holy God is calling out your name and He wants you to come into His presence so He can talk with you. Will you go in humble reverence? Will you stand in awe of Him? Will you be prepared to hear what He has to say? Will you accept the job He has for you, knowing you will not be alone and that He will guide you and give you the strength to do it?
Come - expecting to be changed!
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5 months ago
I overidentify with Moses and all of his, "What if.." questions.
Oh Jan,
Before I read further to the "relaxed" part, I was going to ask if we could sing bare footed from now on :) I didn't read this Saturday when you wrote it, and it's funny that I didn't, last night we read this same Bible story to Joey before bed. Even her little Bible reminds me that we have a daily lifeline to God, that we can talk to him whenever we choose, but how amazing will it be when we see him and hear him face to face. I am so stoked about that day, but until then, it makes me more aware of the days I have on earth and what I should be doing while here. Even though we are not face to face and there is no burning bush, I need to take more time entering into that "holy" place with God where my attention is focused on him, where I know I am his willing slave, and where I know he wants nothing more that to sit and chat. I will be praying for y'all while in Hong Kong, may you experience the Lord in ways you never have! Love you lady!
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