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Friday, July 2, 2010


Today I am sitting in St. Arbucks far from home having a non-fat, extra-hot, with-whip, 1/2-pump, mocha-white mocha (how's that for an order - you may commit it to memory so that if you ever have need of a favor you will know I can be bought) and finding myself having a bunch of alone time to reflect. 

I find myself looking out the window at the people passing me by and wondering how many of them would consider themselves broken? Broken in some way, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. How many are searching for literally God only knows what?

I know that I certainly fit in to the broken category in many ways. I guess we all do in our own way. We have sin to thank for that. But today I am finding myself broken in a different way. I find that God is breaking my heart in new ways for people who need Him. People who are broken because of this fallen world and don't know that only Jesus is the fix for that. 

I find myself holding back tears every few moments as I am touched by a song or a thought and know that I am not alone in my tears. God sheds them everyday for His creation that He loves so very much. Those that He longs to mend in various ways but will not turn to Him. His creation that turns away from Him to find fulfillment and healing in other things. 

So today, I welcome being broken. I embrace the tears and want to see my world as God does. I feel that unless I do, the people God puts in my path and on my heart will continue to be broken in a way that is not desirable. 

How long has it been since you took a good long look at the world around you and were broken as you saw it through God's eyes? Take some time and do it. Someones life could depend on it!

And if you are looking for a little light listening to spur you on, check out:
Mercy Me - Won't You be My Love
Hillsong Song - Hosanna
better yet- support the bands and go buy them on itunes :o)


Laura said...

LOVE the Mercy Me song... when I first heard it I cried and cried and cried. I wasn't expecting that from the title. It was great to be a part of Holy Discontent for a bit. Wonderful women of God.

Blessings to ya, girl!

StanClanMomma said...

Jan, thanks for sharing. You are so right. As long as we're in this world, we have to be broken. How can we not? If we don't see the pain and suffering that God does, we are less likely to respond. Every day that I go to work I pray that I am making some kind of difference, whether I ever know it or not. If teen-agers think you care and won't judge them, they'll tell you anything. Sometimes I wish I could plug my ears or forget what I know but I can't. That means my only choice is to pray hard and show the love of Jesus through my actions and, occassionally, even through my words. My biggest fear is not responding because I might be someone's only chance.

Tiffany said...

Ah, you're going to spur me on to writing for my book. *sigh* *cry* and thank you.

carmabycarlene said...

I am so glad I find your blog I was feeling really broken earlier today. Thank you for sharing your experience with me.

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