Tonight I sit here pondering how dreams and everyday life can peacefully coexist. Is it even possible? I am just not sure. It seems that somehow, at some point, most if not all of my dreams of what "could be" have gotten shoved aside for the reality of what "is". I am not quite sure when or how this happened. I certainly didn't mean for it to, and yet I find myself here, longing for what I feel has been placed in my heart only to be put on a shelf and partially (sometimes mostly) forgotten.
Most of the time I am so wrapped up in the every day life, I easliy forget. The dreams just sort of seem to slip out the back door while I am busy with what ever seems to be the "urgent" at the moment. Every once in awhile though, something will bring them to the surface of my mind again. A book, a person, a song, random stuff usually...
What to do with these dreams once they surface is the big question of the hour. I guess I am wrestling with when or if I am ever really supposed to make them move from dream to "urgent" status. I guess if these dreams were really put in my heart for the right reason by the right "Person" (yes, God!) then He will be faithful, just like He always is, to give the gentle nudge or shove when the time comes. I just have to make sure I am still enough to be paying attention.
So, I ask Him once again - What am I here for? What have You made me uniquely equipped to do? What dreams am I to pursue and when? Lord, I am listening. I am trying to be patient. Use me when and how ever you wish to bring You glory! And I challenge you who find your way to reading this to ask the same. What are YOU here for? What has He made YOU uniquely equipped to do? What dreams has He placed in YOU to pursue and when? Are you listening? Shhhhh... He is faithful to speak!
Be still and know!
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago
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