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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

World Changers

Over the last few weeks I have been increasingly challenged about what I am put on this earth for. The easy answer would be music. I love it! It is "in" me. But I think God is pushing me to go deeper than that. I guess one might say that I am dealing with a good old fashioned case of "Holy Discontent" as Bill Hybels calls it. What fuels the fire of my personal vision in life? Why am I here?

Most who know me would agree that I am a very passionate person.  Usually when people describe me, they do not use "wimpy" adjectives. While in a way that can be a little off putting, I have chosen of late to embrace the intensity that God has put in my spirit and ask myself this question - "What am I supposed to do with that?" A coffee conversation the other day led to this verse:
  If I say, "I will not mention him,
   or speak any more in his name,"
 there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
   shut up in my bones,
 and I am weary with holding it in,
   and I cannot. Jeremiah 20:9

I think that just about fits where I am. I am feeling a "fire in my bones" and I can't seem to hold it in. I feel it swelling and at some point, will not be able to contain it. The issue I am wrestling with at this point is trying to identify what exactly is causing that fire. What is fueling it? What is it supposed to drive me to?

I know that I want what I do here on earth to REALLY matter for the Kingdom. I know that the fact that there are people hurting and suffering around the world every day that need the saving power of Jesus and yet - don't know him boggles my mind.  I read one blogger who has just returned from Russia and Moldova doing a documentary on the sex trafficking over there. (check out Flowerdust HERE) I have a some friends who are getting ready to spend weeks in Uganda helping to relocate orphans to a new, safer home and trying to raise awareness of their need. (you can see what they are doing HERE) And still others picking up and flying to Honduras to help children who have no one else to help them. (more amazing photos of that HERE) The thing about all of these great "causes" (as some would term them) is that they are all connected to people! People who need to see the love of Jesus.

During my quite time today, this verse came to mind:

He has told you, O man, what is good;
  and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
  and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

That definitely strikes a chord with me. Not sure why quite yet, but I intend to find out. The plan? Glad you asked. I intend to jump in to Bill Hybels Book - Holy Discontent and pray for God to show me what is next.

If you are stirred by this and would like to join me going through the book, please let me know. I bet it would stir some great coffee conversations. But in the mean time you can check out a short check list to get you started HERE.

Where is God stirring you? How are you going to change the world for HIS Kingdom purpose? Even today, pray for opportunity to be a world changer. I guarantee if you look at life through that lens, someone's world will be changed every day. Even if it is just yours!


Unknown said...

Amen! Great post! I just started Hybels "Courageous Leadership," (need work with both courage and leadership) But maybe I'll switch. I like the new look for your blog too.

Lisa Scheffler

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