So today, I'd like to tell you a God story.
Once upon a time there was a family with 4 children. The parents were 2 very hard working people who loved and served Jesus with all that they had and all of the children loved Jesus very much. They were blessed!
One day, the church that they were so very devoted to announced that they felt God leading them to multiply the ministry that they were doing so that others could hear about Jesus. This would take money. Of course this family was going to help, but you all know how expensive 4 children can be, especially when 2 are in college and the teenage boy eats you out of house and home. How much could they "afford" to give?
The pastor of the church challenged everyone to "wrestle with God" and really ask Him to direct their giving to the new adventure they were all on together. So, the mother and the father began to wrestle and asked their children to do the same. To do this well, everyone would have to give something.
The mother and father wrestle separately and the mother came up with one number (that she was comfortable with) and then one night god told her to double that amount. Not having talked to her husband, she was not sure how he would take the news. The husband, however, was doing his own wrestling and when they finally shared their numbers, his was double her doubled number. Quadruple the original number that she was "comfortable" with. With a gulp and a prayer, they committed. If God wanted that much, surely He would provide a way for them to give it.
The family agreed to less meals out, PB&J was their new best friend. They agreed to buying the "store brands" instead of the name brands of food, and to cutting off their over abundance of TV channels. They would make it work and give happily to make sure more people knew the Jesus they loved so much.
The mother pondered how they would ever get out of the debt that they had, when they would be giving to the church the money that would enable them to do so. But God assured her she could trust Him with that as well.
One day, not very long after they committed, the husband called the wife with some news. he told her that even in an economy that was not treating his business well, his bosses had recognized the hard work that we was doing and they wanted to give him a raise. They raise that he received would almost cover the amount that they felt led to give to the movement to multiply.
Well, with tears of joy, she realized that God had a plan all along and had provided a way for them to not only give beyond their means, but to start working on their debt. God-enomics at work again. She praised Him for His goodness and faithfulness in their lives.
So, the moral of this story, trust God with everything that you have. All of it! He can be trusted and has a wonderful plan to be glorified if you will give it all.
And if you are reading this and have been in the wrestling process. Maybe you have come up with a number you are "comfortable" with. God doesn't call those that love him to be "comfortable", He calls them to follow Him with reckless abandon and to trust Him. You might want to wrestle a little more and then be still and listen to how He is calling you to respond.
Not that I'm looking for handouts, but I do want you to experience the blessing that issues from generosity. Philippians 4:17 (the message)
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago
Ah,on the same page, dear friend. Content this week with the commitment, and honestly pretty tickled about the whole thing now that the wrestling match has ended.
What an AWESOME God story!! He is truly so incredibly faithful! Love it!
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