My favorite people in the bible are not usually those who had a firm grasp on who they were. They are the men and women who fill the pages who believe they are supposed to be one thing when God has a whole different thing in mind. He calls them to go above and beyond what they believe they are capable of and raises up gifts in them that allows them to be used for His mighty purpose. Here are just a few examples:
Noah - mild mannered husband and father - called to save the world by building a ginormous boat before the earth had ever seen rain.
Moses - speech challenged loaner/shepherd - called to bring God's chosen people out of the land of Egypt and lead literally millions into the promise land.
Gideon - unremarkable farmer - called to lead a VERY small army of men to defeat nations and once again free the Israelite people.
David - family sheep herder/youngest of the boys - called to defeat giants, become and mighty warrior, king of Israel and a man after God's own heart.
Ester - niece of a humble Jewish man - called to be a queen in a foreign land and save her people from annihilation.
Peter - lowly fisherman with plenty of "rough" edges - called to be a disciple of Christ, one of the 3 chosen to witness Christ's most personal events and catalyst for the beginning of Christianity as we know it.
The list could go on... The bible is actually full of examples of people who were not, on their own, equipped to do great things but through Christ in them - changed the world.
When I look at my life and the reality of who I am (smudges and all), I fall into the trap of believing that I will never be a world changer. I am not overly intelligent, I didn't go to college to study a specific trade, in fact - when I look in the mirror, I don't see anything remarkable at all. Until I ask God to reveal what HE sees in me...
You see, God sees things that He made us for that we can never have clear view of (there is probably good reason for that in most cases - fear, pride, other assorted distasteful traits.) With Christ in us, His power working through us, His mission on our minds and His vision on our hearts - we can all be world changers in some way.
Has He given you something to do that you feel ill-equipped for? Has he laid a vision on your heart that you just can't accomplish on your own? If the answer is "yes", you are right! You are ill-equipped and can't accomplish it on your own. So lean on Him and He will give you all you need. If you answer is "no", you may not be seeking Him enough for what He wants to accomplish in and through you. So go to it. Get alone with Him and let Him go to work transforming you into who He knows you can be.
How are you going to change the world today? It starts NOW!
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
5 months ago
This was a great post. What an awesome reminder of how in our weaknesses, He is strong.
I'm kind of partial to Deborah myself. :-) (think of it: a WOMAN leading a whole army of Israelites! Being their judge and all!!)
There's a long list of things I see in you. Maybe your mirror is busted?
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