Usually when I am up at 4:00 in the morning it is God trying to tell me something. This particular morning, I am replaying a conversation in my head - well a few conversations actually, but all along the same line. It is what I am calling "the Moses complex". Most of us have it, have had it, or will have it at some point in our lives. I know I have.
I am leading a Bible study on the book of Exodus. This week we are studying about Moses meeting God at the burning bush and God calling Moses to go to Egypt to rescue the Israelites and take them in to the Promiseland (Exodus 3-4). Cool! Moses gets to see God's manifest presence and call Him by name - "I Am". He is taken from his menial job as a shepherd tending smelly sheep to be the hero of a nation in slavery. Huge calling, to say the least. And then the "Moses complex" kicks in. He begins to ask questions.
Who am I that you would send me?
Who are you God?
You actually think I am qualified? -I don't talk so good.
What if they dont' listen to me?
God is actually pretty patient with Moses, answering all of his questions. Doing what He could to calm his fears and insecurities. God told Moses that he would not be alone. God would be with him. God enabled Moses to do miracles to prove His mighty power to the Egyptians. For Pete's sake, Moses was getting his marching orders from a bush on fire that was not being consumed. One would think he would accept the call and get on it.
But still Moses questioned. It was this last one that got God a little angry. Moses asked "Could you please send someone else?" Somehow, my brain paints a picture of a bit of thunder and lightening entering the picture or at least a flare up of the flames in the bush. That is how it looks when God is mad, right? lol
Anyway, the point is Moses was so stuck in his insecurity with who he was and the limitations that he had, he totally couldn't move past that to see who God is and that He has no limitations. If God calls you to something, He and He alone will enable you to do it. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!!!
In God's infinite wisdom, He sent Moses' brother Aaron with him to get the job done. But I have to wonder if Moses didn't miss some of the blessing he would have gotten had he just moved past his "complex" and accepted the call. Sad...
Enter my "Moses Complex" - (it's not my first one btw)
I am involved in a wonderful ministry called Christ Fellowship Online (shameless plug - you should go check it out!) Anyway, this ministry - more than any I have ever worked in, has the potential to reach people for Christ in such a powerful way. Being Internet based, it is literally only bound by the confines of the world wide web, so in other words - not much can stop it. While extremely exciting, this is also very scary to me. Have you ever watched a bull rider sitting on top of the beast of an animal in the gates while it snorts and jolts just waiting to be released? The power felt beneath the rider and the anxiety (or sheer terror, harnessed of course) of what is to come welling up from within... Yeah - that's a bit how I feel. I see God opening the gate and I am literally bracing myself for the ride.
As I was doing my Bible study for this week I realized that I am Moses. I have so many questions. I look to much at the limitations I have and forget to focus on the God that called me to this Who has no limitations. It's not about what I can do, because on my own, I will create and epic fail every time. But God never fails, and if He has ordained something - it WILL happen. The question is will He have to call someone else because I was to stubborn and self centered to jump in, limitations and all, and trust Him to do the rest?
It seems, in talking with people this week, that the "Moses complex" is a bit of an epidemic. People, God is in the business of using the sin ridden, flaw filled, stubborn, resistant human beings that He created to do His work here on the Earth. He says in His Word that He will not return until the "last one" has heard about Him. So the way I look at it, if we ever want Jesus to come back, we'd better get over ourselves and get busy doing the work we have been called to and equipped for by the same power that turned sticks to snakes, water to blood, clean hands leprous and back again and the same power that conquered death and hell for ever. Now that's some power!
Am I still a little freaked out by the possibilities of what I may be getting myself in to? Yes! But am I willing to miss the blessings God has for me when I join Him in His work? No Way!!!!
So, what is it that is causing your "Moses complex"? Remember, it's not about you, it's about Who called you to it!
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
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