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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Completely Unqualified

Today's topic may seem trite and something that every believer knows deep down (or maybe even on the surface). It is something that most of us are quick to spout off in situations where we serve, and yet - I find myself one more time, acutely aware of this well known Christian mantra. 

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

A verse that many of us can say is one we actually have memorized. (That and John 3:16...) A verse that comes so easy to the tongue and yet seems so hard to actually remember to live out.

Today, I find myself once again in that place of stepping back and looking at the tasks that God has set before me and being a little more than overwhelmed. Being a wife and mother. Programming services for a fairly large (comparatively speaking) suburban church who is poised on the brink of multiplication, which no doubt will effect the scope of my job. Leading the fledgling Internet Campus we have just birthed to reach people for Christ that traditional church may not reach. Growing and mentoring the people God has placed in my life for that purpose. Etc. Etc. Etc. 

Today, I step back and look at what is sure to be only a partial list and realize a fresh that what I so quickly take on as things I can do in my own strength - I actually can't do by myself at all and have it be worth anything. I am unsure why, apart from my humanity, I ever fall back in to this place of self-sufficiency, because it always ends the same way. God gently, or sometimes not so gently, reminding me that I am just not as good as I think I am and I need His help.

Today, I cry out with fresh abandon and conviction the words of Philippians 4:13 and say "God, I know I can do all things ONLY through YOU who gives me strength."

Are there things that you need to surrender today that you have been trying to do in your own power. Join me now in giving them over to the Lord to do in His power.


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