There is a bumper sticker that I see periodically that really identify with. It says: Procrastinators Unite! - Tomorrow... I chuckle to myself every time I see it because that can be so true in my life. I also must admit that I think I have passed that mutated gene to my offspring. (so sorry kids!) I have learned over the years to overcome that weakness in many areas of my life, but I tend to live by the motto "Why do today, what can be put off till tomorrow." In case you are wondering, it doesn't usually work out very well.
So it begs the question, "Why do I do this?" Fear, laziness, dread, indifference, a combination of all of those and more... So NOT a becoming characteristic! It is something about myself that I really don't like and strive to change when ever I realize I am doing it.
This morning in my bible reading, I was challenged by this passage (the whole chapter really):
Blessed are those slaves whom their master finds alert when he returns! I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, have them take their place at the table, and will comet and wait on them! Even if he comes in the second or third watch of the nights and finds them alert, blessed are those slaves! Luke 12: 37-39
Blessed are those He finds alert when He comes back. The scripture around this particular set of verses add to the challenge for me (you should go read it all!) It is talking about a tree that was planted and nourished in the field but year after year did not produce any fruit. The field owner eventually says to cut it down and not waste any more food and soil nutrients. OUCH!
A person who comes to Christ and receives His grace and salvation but then doesn't go on to live their lives sold out for Christ is like that tree. It was not for lack of time and energy spent helping that tree be healthy, the one given the job to tend the field worked hard to help that tree be healthy and produce fruit, but the tree did not cooperate.
How like that we as believers can be at times and to varying degrees. Some that I can see in my minds eye right now, have said they are a believer - and yet through their actions outside of the actual church building, show no real evidence of that. Some have been asked to do things with their lives to advance the kingdom and yet have chosen, for what ever reason, to not fulfill that calling placed on their lives. I am sure their are people who fall into those categories and a whole bunch in between.
The verses above in Luke 12 talk about being hard at work and ready doing what Christ has asked you to do in your life when He returns, which could be at any time. If He returns and catches you off guard and not doing what He has given you to do in your lifetime, you will answer for it.
I am not trying to cast stones here, I look can see some of myself in there as well and I am not proud of it. I know that as passionate as I am about being an All In follower of Christ, there are areas in my life that I am slacking in. Why do I do this? Why do I hold anything back? Why do I procrastinate when I know God only has His best in mind for my life if I would only obey? Well, the answer to that is something that I am dealing with in my own heart, but I ask you to look at your own life right now, in this moment. Are there areas He is convicting you of?
- Maybe He has called you to take the very first step in following Him and get rid of things in your life that would influence you to turn away from Him.
- Maybe He has given you a specific task to do, place to serve or person to be a witness to but you are afraid.
- Maybe He has given you a family to lead, and you have just not been able to step up and lead strongly because you just don't know how.
- Maybe you are a full time, wife and mommy who just doesn't have any time.
The bible is full of stories of ordinary people, just like you and me, who struggled with the same things we struggle with, wanting to put off really serving God until they had everything in their life exactly the way they thought it should be. God is not unaccustomed to helping people overcome the obstacles you think are standing in your way. He will be faithful, like He always is, to help you become the healthy, fruit bearing tree He desires you to be if you will only let Him.
Just say "YES" to Him today. If you are not sure what He has in mind for you, or think He can't use you - you underestimate the power of our God to show Himself to you and use you in a mighty way.