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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Taking for Granted

In my bible reading right now, I am in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet during the time when the Israelites were taken captive by the Babylonians. Most of the book is God telling Ezekiel to tell the people how angry He was with them for turning away from Him and seeking other gods, etc.

It struck me today that we, as new covenant believers, really take for granted what the blood of Jesus has done for us. So many times we forget what the wrath of God looks like because we choose to "camp out" reading the books of the Bible that make us feel comfortable with their portrayal of God. He is our "friend" and "God is love". Yes and yes - but good grief, spend a little time reading the prophets in the old testament and you will see the holy wrath side of God that makes me shudder to my core. God is the same today as He was then, our sins have just been covered by the blood of Christ so God's wrath is appeased. If not, I know I would have been  removed from this earth by God's wrath a long time ago. 

So today, I am once again struck by the power of the blood of Christ and it's ability to cleanse a sinner like me and turn me in to someone that can boldly approach the throne of God. 
Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

Lord, today I thank you for the merciful sacrifice of Jesus on my behalf. Once again, all I can do is give my life back to You. Do with me as you will. I am Yours!


Mel said...

Thanks for the post! It's so weird that I'm reading in Ezekiel as well!Reading the Old Testament has been absolutely life changing.

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