Today is national "To Write Love on Her Arm" day. To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. You can find out more about this organization here. Anyway, the idea is for people to actually write the word LOVE on their arm somewhere and wear it all day today, till noon tomorrow as a conversation starter about this issue and as a reminder this problem exists. For me , it is also a reminder to pray for people who struggle on a daily basis with these issues.
Today in my bible reading, I was reminded of the truest example of writing "love" on ones arms - Jesus Christ. Still today, he bears the scars on his wrists of the ultimate love, a man who laid down his very life for all of these things we struggle with in our very sin-filled world.
I know that God brings people into my life who have faced or are facing today issues like this. I admit, that sometimes I wonder what I can do to help? I have no personal experience with these issues, I am a busy mother of 4, etc. etc. etc. Then I remember what the Bible says in the book of John:
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends John 15:13
If God sees fit to bring these hurting ones into my life, then I will lay down my time, my wants, my self to show His love to them. It's not to much to ask when Jesus endured so much to write "Love" on his arms for me.
So today, as I look at the word Love written on my wrists, I not only pray for those who struggle to make it through each day, but I remember that Jesus is the only one who can truly heal them of their pain and I pray that they would embrace the true love that only He can give.
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