OK - First let me apologize and say I have to be the world's worst at trying to do a book discussion via blog. YIKES! So sorry. I will try to do better in the future. I think this is week 6. So, let me jump in. (If you have no idea what book I am talking about take a look back at previous posts to get caught up - kind of...)
It seems at this point that most of the "physical-group" have identified one or more Holy Discontent(s) in their lives. Have you? If so, leave a comment and tell me about it. This week the chapter validated what a bunch of us already knew - that HD can morph over time. It actually made some feel a lot better about theirs. (Some of us have been worried that we may have MHDD - multiple holy discontent disorder.)
This week Bill encouraged us to follow it where ever it takes us, giving the example of Nehemiah and Bono (not sure which one of those guys would be the most impressed by being in the others company - lol.) But from both of those examples, I think what stood out to me was the phrase "dismantling apathy". Boy, that is one thing that really creates a Popeye type moment in me. If you see something wrong in the world, don't wait for someone else to come along and change it while you sit and complain. Do something about it!!
The other thing he mentioned several times is the fact that in Bono especially (probably because Bill has never met Nehemiah) he felt that his HD oozed out of him. He gives it is "thousand-watt all."
Bottom line in my mind, that is what God desires from us when He gives us a Holy Discontent. He wants us to dismantle the apathy and let our passion ooze from us to the point that it is contagious to those around us and will cause some of them to take up the charge and fight with us.
Be faithful to follow it where ever it takes you. This is a journey we are on with God, and while He doesn't promise to show us where we will end up - He does promise to be right there leading us the whole way. We just have to be willing to go. I'm all in! How about you, world changer? Sound off people. It's gettin' lonely in here.